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demetrio bolaños

Since I was little I have felt a strong attraction to adventure and nature. At 10 years old I had the privilege of climbing the "M" in Chipinque thanks to my dad, and since that day I have not stopped climbing mountains.

2010 was the year I started climbing mountains as a guide for friends and family. Since then I have not stopped looking for new trails and peaks to climb, as well as new knowledge regarding mountain equipment and safety measures

Today I seek to improve my skills as a climber and to pass my knowledge as a mountain guide to more people.

My biggest challenges I overcame in the mountains have been climbing the Iztaccíhuatl volcano and Aguiluchos Sur in Huasteca N.L. I also like to enjoy all kinds of sports, the more extreme, the better. 

Para aquellas personas que se aventuran a las montañas, descubren maravillas fuera de discusión. Para aquellos que no, la atracción a la montaña es una locura.

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